Turning Over a New Leaf in 2018

At West 5, we love to help others discover the joy of sustainable living. Whether you’re looking to shrink your carbon footprint, reduce waste or, you’re simply not sure where to begin – we can help! Here are just a few small changes that can you can make every day to help the planet in 2018.

Like Food, West 5 Brings People Together

Locally grown, with a long shelf life, root vegetables are the perfect comfort food for the winter. If you didn’t have the opportunity to make it out to the Root Vegetable themed January Cooking Demo, or you did and want to make the recipes at home – we have listed each recipe right here in this blog post! Bon Appetit!

Thanks Mother Nature

Thanksgiving is upon us. A time for gathering with family and friends, enjoying delicious food and giving thanks for everything you have.

Unfortunately, the holiday can be quite wasteful. As you contemplate all that you’re thankful for this year, here are a few ways to show your thanks to Mother Nature.