On Tuesday, November 7th, QUEST announced the winners for the 2017 Smart Energy Communities Awards at QUEST’s Annual Awards Gala in Ottawa, Ontario.
The Smart Energy Communities Awards are presented annually by QUEST – Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow – to recognize leadership and innovation in advancing Smart Energy Communities in Canada. Smart Energy Communities improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, cut costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Nominations were received from across Canada and the expert jury selected finalists and a winner in the three principal Smart Energy Communities sectors: Local Public Service Sector, Real Estate Sector and Utility and Energy Service Providers.
The Local Public Service Sector Award went to the City of Saint John, NB for their Municipal Energy Efficiency Program (MEEP) – a performance based systems approach to environmental sustainability, fiscal accountability and social improvement that includes 152 municipal and commission buildings. “We are honoured to receive the Local Public Service Sector award for the City of Saint John’s leadership in developing the first integrated energy management system in Atlantic Canada,” said Samir Yammine, City of Saint John Manager of Asset and Energy Management.
Finalists in the Local Public Service Sector were the Teslin Tlingit Council, Yukon for its biomass district heating system, the City of Richmond, BC for its Alexandra District Energy Utility, and YHC Environnement for its national SAUVéR public transportation and Electric Service Station concept.
The Real Estate Sector Award was presented to s2e Technologies Inc. and Sifton Properties Ltd. for the West 5 community in London, Ontario – a 70 acre community with 2.5 million square feet of mixed-use buildings master planned to achieve net-zero energy on a community scale. “S2E and Sifton have been working hard to make West5 something special and repeatable that truly helps move the industry forward,” said Derek Satnik, president of s2e Technologies. “We’re showing how it is possible to meet zero energy at the community level. Thank you to QUEST for understanding the value in what we’re doing, and for honouring us with this award.”
Finalists in the Real Estate sector were Windmill Development Group for its Zibi community in Ottawa, and the Energy Step Code Council for its BC Energy Step Code.
The Utility & Energy Service Providers Award was given to Saint John Energy for the Energy Star Most Efficient mini split ductless heat pump rental program – the first of its kind in Canada. Marta Kelly, Vice President of Finance and Administration for Saint John Energy said, “We are proud to have launched this innovative program to help communities reduce energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions throughout New Brunswick. Our staff has been instrumental in coordinating and executing this program and provide customers with the ability to access energy efficient technology by offering them the choice to rent.”
Finalists in the Utility and Energy Service Providers category were Oshawa Power and Utilities for its Solar Energy Management System, and Alectra, Inc. for its POWER.HOUSE virtual power plant.
“We would like to congratulate all the 2017 Smart Energy Communities Award winners and finalists,” said Brent Gilmour, Executive Director at QUEST. “They are all shining examples of leadership and innovation in developing Smart Energy Communities across Canada.”
QUEST is the leader developing Smart Energy Communities that improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, cut costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With a national network that includes 8 provincial and regional Caucuses, their related working groups, and a reach of thousands of stakeholders, QUEST is supporting governments, utilities & energy service providers, the real-estate sector, and the product and professional service sector, among others to make Smart Energy Communities come to life.