5 Sustainability Trends for 2020

We’re at the dawn of a new enlightened decade. Now, maybe more than ever, we at West 5 are actively looking for ways to live more eco-friendly lives and to leave as small an environmental footprint behind us as we possibly can. Individuals and organizations are getting creative and innovative in coming up with ways to boost sustainability and to protect this planet we call home. Here we share some of the key trends that will help us maintain an ecological balance.


1. Hand over the power to smart technology.

Smart home devices are becoming, well, smarter and more energy-efficient.   When your home is equipped with this technology, you have the peace of mind energy is being conserved, even when you’re not at home. The latest products are designed to use less electricity and prevent you from using more energy than you need.  Even small items can make a big impact, like smart light bulb kits, smart power strips, smart thermometers and smart energy monitors! You can even get smart curtains that are motorized and will automatically close or open to help regulate the temperature of your home.

By offering advanced technology at West 5, energy-efficient appliances and compatibility with SMART home devices, we’ll help you ensure your home is kept more sustainable.

2. Take your foot off the gas.

Drivers are getting out of their gas-powered rides and opting for a no-emissions alternative. This is the year electric vehicles are expected to go mainstream! While they’ve been around a little while, they haven’t yet gained full popularity, and most often they are a combo hybrid-electric. Today manufacturers are offering cars and SUVs that are fully electric with proven track records of eco-friendly benefits. Cities are showing their support too, with charging stations popping up along highways, and throughout communities, all in support of this cleaner way of travelling!


3. Cultivate and nurture your community.

It’s true the world is smaller today, given that we’re so connected globally. We can communicate face to face with someone on another continent in an instant and we can purchase something in another country and have it land at our doorstep in what seems like only hours. But at the same time, people are craving a feeling of connection at the local level. They are making an effort to get to know their neighbours and build a community. You will see more enthusiasm for supporting local businesses. People will walk past the big-name coffee shop and head to the independent. There will also be an increase in community-wide efforts like shared gardens and groups coming together for environmental causes, such as cleaning up a park. At our West 5 Market, our vendors cultivate fresh produce right at the community gardens and artisans share beautiful hand-crafted goods. It gives us a chance to call come together and enjoy the beautiful things made in our own backyard.


4. Leave the phone at home.

More and more people are discovering the joy and liberty of disconnecting. They call it the digital detox when they completely disengage from the electronic world in favour of the real world. They leave their devices at home in favour of nature walks, yoga classes or sports where they can fully engage mind, body and soul, allowing them to emerge invigorated, and more connected than ever – with themselves, their family and friends, and nature. As a start, try setting aside time once a day to check your phone and establish a time in the evening when you’ll turn off all devices. You’ll be amazed by how refreshing it can be!


5. Embrace the movement to zero waste.

Take up the challenge to create zero waste as you go about your day, at home, at work, and when you’re out socializing and shopping. By adopting a few new Earth-loving routines and making them habits, you’ll be proud of your empty trash can, and you’ll also be setting a trend for others to follow. If picking up a coffee on your way into work is your thing, start carrying your own reusable cup, and before you leave home, pack some snacks in reusable containers to avoid packaged foods. If you order in, choose restaurants that use biodegradable packaging. Make zero your new favourite number!


Try adopting a new sustainability practice and see what difference it makes to you personally, to your community and, ultimately, to the planet!