Why does a tomato from your garden taste so much better than one from the store? It begins when you step out the door and see the dew-covered lawn. The morning sun rises welcoming another beautiful day. You see your garden and are surprised and delighted with all the life that has sprouted overnight. Buds are opening, green stalks are shooting up and that little tomato plant is starting to show some character. It started life as a tiny seed and is growing into a plump, sun-kissed vegetable. It will taste so much better than its store-bought cousin because of the love and care you have put into it. You water, you fertilize, you watch it grow. It gives you a little joy, a bit of satisfaction every day.
Community gardens are the source of many benefits. They allow us to shed our stress bringing our mental and physical well being into balance. With each passing season, we can watch our community garden grow and change as it welcomes friends and families to enjoy spaces filled with life and colour. It introduces a peaceful oasis in the middle of a city that connects us with both nature, and neighbours that surround us.
That’s why I’m proud of our vision to build West 5 into a community where beautiful spaces invite you to be close to nature, to relax, and to drop your shoulders and let out that breath you’ve been holding in all week.