5 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Pet
Adopting a pet is a big decision, so we asked our friends at Oak West Animal Clinic what five things should be considered before bringing a furry friend into your home.
1. Take time to think about what you want in a pet.
Will your lifestyle be sustainable with a busy puppy? Are you a runner, or more of a homebody? Does anyone in your family have allergies? Write a list to help determine what will work best for you.
2. Prepare for the financial investment of a pet.
Your pet will need food, veterinary care, enrichment, and general care items. Consider pet insurance to help with any surprise health concerns.
3. Research species-specific needs.
Ex. Pocket pets require a larger amount of space than you may think! And cats need environmental enrichment such as cat trees and plenty of toys.
4. Be aware that adopted pets can take at least 3 weeks to settle in to their new homes.
This means that they may not show you their full personality until they are comfortable. It will be so meaningful when you finally see their personality shine!
5. Realize that this is a 10-20 year commitment.
Thankfully we can help to keep pets around for many years! This comes great responsibility. These pets need a someone that they can depend on for the rest of their lives. Please prepare for that before bringing them home.
Thank you to Oak West Animal Clinic for sharing their knowledge and expertise with our West 5 Community! Stay tuned for our next round of “5 at West 5”!