Where Seniors Live Their Best Life

Inspired by the natural beauty surrounding it, Riverstone is a collection of independent, retiree apartments designed to cater to your needs. Fully equipped suites, worry-free living and community amenities ensure you’re living your best life with West 5.

A Green Roof: So Much More Than Meets the Eye

A Green Roof

From saving energy to improving air quality, a little green roof can go a long way! Learn more about West 5 Living and how London’s first neighbourhood powered by the sun uses green roof innovation to ensure a net-zero community.

Hēlio – Here Comes The Sun

West5 - here comes the sun featured

Hēlio. It might be the sunniest place to live in London Ontario and unlike any other apartment buildings in Canada, it offers our residents the best in sustainability, comfort and community.

Discover the Joy of Friluftsliv

Have you ever come back from a walk in the park or a hike on a trail and noticed that you’re feeling happier, that your mood is lifted and there’s a spring in your step? Then you’ve had a taste of friluftsliv. Read more about friluftsliv and how it positively impacts your life!

5 Sustainability Trends for 2020

Now, maybe more than ever, we at West 5 are actively looking for ways to live more eco-friendly lives and to leave as small an environmental footprint behind us as we possibly can. Here we share some of the key trends that will help us maintain an ecological balance.

Living the Hygge Life

It’s that time of year again. The days are getting shorter and the air is getting a little cooler. And with all that, winter also brings us the greatest gift the cold weather could offer: the ability to “hygge”.

Disconnect to Reconnect

An important part of living a sustainable lifestyle is fostering our own health and wellbeing. After all, if we’re going to take care of our planet, we need to take care of ourselves first.

Sustainability – A Balancing Act

Although the word “sustainability” brings to mind terms like recycling, renewable energy and being eco-friendly, it also involves much more than just these three things. It’s a delicate balancing act. Sustainability arises when we’re able to meet the needs of today’s generation without compromising the needs of future generations.

Basking in the Sunlight

Summer is almost coming to an end and we, at West 5, have enjoyed every single minute of it! Did you know that the West 5 community was engineered to thrive on the sun and all of its glory? Our buildings are designed to retain warmth in the winter and keep cool in the summer.  We also happen to be the most advanced energy-producing community in Ontario

Nourish your Family and Your Spirits

Food has a way of bringing us all together – family, friends and neighbours. As our gardens overflow into our kitchens, we gather to celebrate and share the fruits of our labour. By sharing the goods we’ve grown in the comfort of our own home, bonds are cultivated and friendships grow stronger.