MP Kate Young Announces Natural Resources Canada investment in Helio

On January 22nd, 2019 at The Sifton Centre, Kate Young, Member of Parliament for London West, on behalf of Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, announced an investment of $3.9 million toward the construction of Canada’s first mixed-use, multi-unit residential high-rise building to target net-zero energy.
A Look Back at 2018

What a year 2018 was at Sifton, our 95th to be exact. We have learned and incorporated so many new things into our way of life. We wanted to build a better community for the future, one that is more sustainable and environmentally conscious, and the development of West 5 has shown what we’re truly capable of when we work together.
5 simple ways to be more sustainable this new year!

We understand the impact that small changes can have to make the world the better place. Here’s a list of 5 new things you can try this year to spark creativity and introduce sustainability into your everyday life!