2017 was amazing year here at West 5. After years of research and planning, countless design hours and many, many cups of coffee, the community has taken shape, and people are taking notice.
We’re incredibly honoured that our company and our staff have been recognized with many prestigious awards this year. Here are some highlights;
Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow (QUEST) – is a non-profit organization that works tirelessly to improve energy efficiency, enhance reliability, cut costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Their national network of supporting governments, utilities & energy service providers, and real-estate professionals among others, work together to make Smart Energy Communities come to life.
Each year, QUEST recognizes leadership and innovation in advancing Smart Energy Communities in Canada, this year, West 5 received the Smart Energy Community Award in the Real Estate Sector category.
We also attended this year’s MAC Awards Gala at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre hosted by the Federation of Rental-Housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO). The MAC Awards recognize excellence in the residential rental housing industry and those who work to advance the high standards that the Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario aims to promote. Entries are judged on the level of conservation or recycling achieved and the quality of environmental accomplishments when compared to that of an average rental housing provider in Ontario. We are thrilled to have been awarded not one, but two – FRPO Best Rental Development of the Year (West 5 Townhomes), and FRPO Award of Environmental Excellence (Sifton Properties).
We were also a winner at the London Home Builders Association (LHBA) Awards of Creative Excellence Gala.
The LHBA Awards of Creative Excellence competition consists of 38 categories judged by industry professionals from across the country. They highlight home building and renovation companies that set the standard for the rest of the industry through their leadership in community service, support of the industry, business adaptability and excellence in housing design. West 5 received two awards in the Marketing and Design category – Best Project Branding and Best Web Presence.
I’m so proud of the tremendous effort that our team has put into 2017 and especially bringing West 5 to life. Thank you all, for the dedication and hard work which made these awards possible. And thank you, to the community for your continued encouragement and support.
We look forward to another exciting year ahead.